Judi's Midnight Diner Raffle
Support Judi’s Midnight Dinner and Win Beautiful Raffle Prizes!
To buy raffle tickets on Venmo send $$ to @SiskiyouMutualAid and include in the memo which bundle you’d like your raffle tickets to go towards. Eg, “2 tix for Bundle 2”. See bundle details below.
Sign up as a Patreon subscriber (minimum of just $7/month) to get 10 raffle tickets - and much gratitude! You can join as a monthly donor at www.patreon.com/JudisMidnightDiner and DM @JudisMidnightDiner on Instagram for which bundles you want your tickets to go towards. Eg. “2 tix for Bundle 2 + 8 tix for Bundle 3.”
Bundle 1: $50 gift card to BeeSweet Blooms, Whale Print by Amanda Ruth Clemons, Whale Fin Plant from Bestow, 3 coloring books by Micah Blacklight, “Protect the Orcas” soap from Dr. Bronner’s, and mermaid earrings.
Bundle 2: $50 gift card from Luna Love, “Womanizer” Liberty 2 vibrator from As You Like It, framed print by Micah Blacklight, handwoven cowl by Lilia Letsch, and greeting cards by Katie Buttermore.
Bundle 3: $100 gift card for The Cotton Broker, swag bag from Rogue Food Unites, throw pillow from Manzanita Home + Flowers, strawberry earrings by Aki, greeting cards by Amanda Ruth Clemons, and “Tender” shirt by Katie Buttermore.
Bundle 4: $85 gift card for piercing at Ritual Evolution, Angela Davis & Malcom X prints by Blanca Gutierrez, herbal teas and tinctures from Uber Herbal, “Be Kind To Yourself” shirt by Katie Buttermore, and handwoven scarf by Lilia Letsch.

Night of Live Music & Mutual Aid
Join us for a Fundraiser for Judi’s Midnight Diner at Art Bop Beer Co, Talent on May 4, 6-9pm.
Featured Performers: Adam Gabriel & Sophial Phoenix, and the Vulture Club String Duo.
Entry: $5-25 suggested donation.
Download the poster and share it around!

Judi's Holiday Art Raffle
Kicking off Judi's Winter Raffle! Help us fund a winter of meals, harm reduction supplies, cold weather gear, and more. Raffle tickets are $7 each - Venmo @siskiyoumutualaid. Specify which bundle you're entering for, and buy mltiple tickets to increase your chances of winning!
Contact info@judismidnightdiner.org or (631) 975-2022 with questions or if you live locally and would like to pay in cash.